Thursday September 16 2010
THEY'RE NOT major stars just yet, but a young brother and sister duo have proved to be one of the hits of Electric Picnic. Dylan McBride and his sister Lauren performed in an open-mic session at the festival and have already received more than 4,200 hits on YouTube -- beating major rock bands as the most-viewed clip from the festival.
Dylan McBride and his sister Lauren performed in an open-mic session at the festival and have already received more than 4,200 hits on YouTube -- beating major rock bands as the most-viewed clip from the festival.
Dylan (12) and Lauren (11) from Greystones, Co Wicklow, performed an acoustic version of Everlong by the Foo Fighters in an open-mic session at the Oxjam tent at the boutique music festival which took place earlier this month.
The popular brother and sister duo say it's their favourite song to perform together but revealed this was only their second live performance.
They've beaten off stiff competition from the likes of Mumford and Sons, The Frames, and The National on YouTube, and it was a spontaneous decision by Lauren to take to the stage that propelled them to fame.
Their proud dad Alan, who recorded the video footage, said: "We were just walking around Electric Picnic and Lauren saw that there was an open-mic session.
"I thought they'd [the organisers] never put them on and I thought they were just going to humour them. But within two minutes of running into the tent, we heard the announcement that they were on next."
Lauren explained: "I just really wanted to do it and I went up to the guy and he said there was a half hour wait, but then he put us on anyway."
Alan added: "The whole thing was very spontaneous, and the guitar isn't working at the start and you can see then that the audience is visibly surprised that they can perform."
- Geraldine Gittens