Personally I think that this helps to put into perspective the paranoid fascist-baiting ravings of Amy Hale and Jason Pitzl-Waters.
And, no, I am not making this shit up.
- Little blue men under fire, Todaysxm.Com May 16, 2011
- Professor says Smurfs cartoons have fascist and racist themes, NewsType.Com June 3, 2011
- Smurfs accused of antisemitism and racism, The Guardian June 6, 2011
- Racism, anti-semitism, fascism, and The Smurfs, BoingBoing June 7, 2011
- Academic: Are the Smurfs Crypto-Fascists? Time Magazine online, June 8, 2011
- The Smurfs Are Racist, Anti-Semites, Antoine Buéno Suggests In 'Le Petit Livre Bleu' Huffington Post, August 3, 2011
- 6 Insane (But Convincing) Theories on Children's Pop Culture, Cracked.Com February 10, 2012