In her own words, she meets together with a small group of friends to "wish for things", "honor the elements", "burn things", etc. She says that "some amazing things have happened" as a result of these get-togethers with her friends.
I think this whole thing is pretty cool. She is not just talking out of her arse - what she describes is pretty garden-variety Wicca/Witchcraft, albeit on a very basic (or possibly even shallow) level. But I don't think we should make too much out of how superficial her description is. What Heather says is about as much as one can really, sanely, say about Magic to a mass audience. If anything she says too much!
No shit - here is Heather Graham explaining the phrase "So mote it be" to Jimmy Kimmel. [Note: Go to 3:05 to see her tell him about "so mote it be". Also, I don't use "embedded" youtube links anymore because they make some browswers (like mine!!) comatose.]

I think this might almost be as cool as when the Assembly of the Sacred Wheel was mentioned on Jeopardy (under "Religions" for $800 - srsly).