1. Attest to the attribution of beneficent magical powers to Witches.
2. Attest to the usage of the phrases "good Witch," "white Witch," etc.
3. Attest to the equivalence of the term "Witch" with "wise woman", "wise wife", or "cunning woman", and/or attest to the association of Witches with wisdom and knowledge.
4. Attest to the use of the word "Witch" to refer to those who resisted Christianization and continued to follow the Old Religion.
Most of these sources come from the times of the Witch Hunts themselves (or even earlier), and their first hand accounts of Witches as practitioners of beneficial magic, as well as their use of phrases such as "good Witch", are in every case seamlessly consistent with later sources. Nor is there any evidence for the claim that the way in which the words "Witch" and "Witchcraft" are used in the sources listed here is in any way anomalous or neatly confined to certain social classes or subject to any of the other fanciful limitations that some have claimed.
Each entry in the list links either to the full text of the source in question, or some other helpful online resource. Many of the sources are discussed elsewhere in this blog, such as in the following posts:
- Witches, Wise Women, William Shakespeare, and the Lambton Worm
- "The White Witches Of Our Ancestors"
- "Such as they call Witches"
- The Case of the North Devon White Witch
- Popular usage of "good Witch" according to ten early modern sources
Lastly, it should be noted that this list is strictly limited to English language sources using the English words "Witch" and "Witchcraft", with the one exception of the the late 16th century Welsh language dialogue by Robert Holland (for which a modern English translation of some passages can be found in the paper by Stuart Clark and P.T.J. Morgan linked to below).
- Piers Plowman, (ca. 1380) William Langland
- The Bible, (ca. 1385) John Wycliffe
- Polychronicon, (1387) English translation by John Trevisa
- The Bible, (1526) William Tyndale
- Witchcraft Act, (1542)
- Sermon by Bishop Hugh Latimer, (1552)
- The Examination of John Walsh Touching Witchcraft and Sorcerie, (1566)
- The Vanitie and Uncertaintie of Artes andSciences, (1569) English translation by James Sanford of Cornelius Agrippa's De incertitudine et vanitate omnium scientiarum et artium liber
- The trial and execution of Jonet Boyman, (1578)
- The trial of Ursula Kempe, (1582)
- Discoverie of Witchcraft, (1584) Reginald Scot
- A Discourse of the subtill Practises of Devills by Witches and Sorcerers, (1587) George Gifford
- A Discourse of the Damned Art of Witchcraft, (ca 1590) Willliam Perkins
- A Treatise Against Witchcraft, (1590) Henry Holland
- Trial of Agnes Sampson, (1591)
- Dialogue on Witchcraft, (ca 1595) Robert Holland
- The White Witch of Westminster, (date unknown) Anonymous
- Daemonologie, (1597) James I
- Trial of Christiane Lewingstoun, (1597)
- The Merry Wives of Windsor, (1602) William Shakespeare
- Transcript of the trial of Joan Jurdie, (1605)
- The Captain, (1612) John Fletcher and Francis Beaumont
- Sathan Transformed into an Angell of Light, (1617) Thomas Cooper
- The Countrey Justice, (1618) Michael Dalton
- The Anatomy of Melancholy, (1621) Robert Burton
- Anything For A Quiet Life, (1621) Thomas Middleton and John Webster
- A Guide to Grand Iury Men, (1627) Richard Bernard
- The Winnowing of White Witchcraft, (1630) Edward Poeton
- The Trial of Issobell Sinclair, (1633)
- Select Cases of Conscience touching Witches and Witchcraft, (1646) John Gaule
- A Confirmation and Discovery of Witchcraft, (1648) John Stearne
- The Divels Delusions, or, a Faithful Relation of John Palmer and Elizabeth Knott, Two Notorious Witches, (1649) Author unknown
- The Witch of Wapping, (1652) Anonymous
- A Candle in the Dark, (1656) Thomas Ady
- Glossographia Anglicana Nova, (1656) Thomas Blount
- The New World of English Words, or, a General Dictionary, (1658) Edward Phillips
- Daimonomageia, a Small Treatise of Sickness and Diseases from Witchcraft, (1665) William Drage
- Letter from Henry More to Joseph Glanvill, (ca. 1667) Henry More
- The Present State of Russia, (1671) Samuel Collins
- The Discovery of the Impostures of Witches and Astrologers, (1680) John Brinley
- Saducismus Triumphatus OR, Full and Plain EVIDENCE Concerning WITCHES AND APPARITIONS, (1681) Joseph Glanvill
- The Medal, (1682) John Dryden
- Remarkable Providences, (1684) Increase Mather
- Pandaemonium, or, The Devil's Cloyster, (1684)
- The Certainty of the World of the Spirits, (1691) Richard Baxter
- Wonders of the Invisible World, (1693) Cotton Mather
- Court records from the trial of Henry Baron, (1694)
- A Modest Enquiry Into the Nature of Witchcraft, (1697) John Hale
- The Diary of Humphrey Michel, (August 15, 1709)
- Sir Roger De Coverly and the Gipsies, (1711) Joseph Addison
- The Drummer, (1715) Joseph Addison
- "An Extract of the information of 25 persons at Leister assizes against an old women her son and daughter for witchcraft ....", (1717)
- An Historical Essay Concerning Wichcraft, (1718) Francis Hutchinson
- The Mistake (a "Poetical Essay"), (1734)
- Some Account of Merlin and the Figures that attend him, in the new erected Cave at Richmond, (1735) London Magazine, December 1735
- A Dictionary of the English Language, (1755) Samuel Johnson
- The curious recipe of a white Witch, (1756) London Magains, vol. 25
- Observations on Popular Antiquities, Chiefly Illustrating the Origin of our Vulgar Customs, Ceremonies and Superstitions, (1777) John Brand
- The Antiquities of England and Wales, (1785) Francis Grose
- A Provincial Glossary, (1787) Francis Grose
- An account of the life and writings of David Hume, (1807) Thomas Edward Ritchie
- An Etymological Dictionary of the Scottish Language, (1808) John Jamieson
- The Antiquary, (1816) Walter Scott
- The Lambton Worm, (1820) Robert Surtees
- Kenilworth, (1821) Walter Scott
- Lord Byron's Combolio, (1822) Blaise Fitztravesty (possibly a pseudonym for Charles Lamb, according to Bertram Dobell)
- Etymologicon universale, (1825) Walter Whiter
- An Etymological Dictionary of the Latin Language, (1828) Francis Edward Jackson Valpy
- Letters on Demonlogy and Witchcraft, (1829) Walter Scott
- The Rise and Progress of Witchcraft, (1829) Gentleman's Magazine
- "The Witch of End-Door", (1835) a joke attributed to Charles Lamb in Edward Lucas' "Life of Charles Lamb"
- The Doctor, (1835) Blackwoods Edinburgh Magazine
- Deutche Mythologie, (1835) Jacob Grimm
- The Legend of the Lambton Worm, (1840) Tait's Edinburgh Magazine
- Remains Historical and Literary Connected With The Palatine Counties of Lancaster and Chester, vol. VI, (1845) James Crossley
- Narratives of Socery and Magic, From the Most Authentic Sources, (1851) Thomas Wright
- Westward Ho, (1855) Charles Kingsley
- Witch Stories, (1861) Eliza Lynn Linton
- Legends and Traditions of Cornwall, (1871)
- Diabolism, (1872) Edward Turney
- A Recent Case of Supposed Witchcraft, (1875)Paul Q. Karkeek
- The White Witch of Devon, (1877) R.P. Hampton Roberts
- Relics Of Old Customs and Beliefs Still Observable In Devonshire, (1878), Paul Q. Karkeek
- An Icelandic Prose Reader, (1878) Guthbrand Vigfusson, Frederick York Powell
- The Book of Days, (1878) Robert Chambers
- Doctors, or The Science of Medical Thought Among the People, (1879) W.R. Bartlett, M.D.
- A Supplementary English Glossary, (1881) Thomas Lewis Owen Davies
- The White Witch: A Novel in Three Parts, (1884) Florence Warden
- The White Witch of Worcester: A Tale of the Barons' Wars, (1885) James Skipp Borlase
- The Vicar of Morwenstow, (1888) Sabine Baring-Gould
- Witch, Warlock, and Magician, (1889) W.H. Davenport Adams
- A history of the parishes of St. Ives, Lelant, Towednack and Zennor, (1892) John Hobson Matthews
- Etruscan Roman Remains in Popular Tradition, (1892) Charles Godfrey Leland
- Women, Church, and State, (1893) Matilda Joslyn Gage
- Cock Lane and Common Sense, (1894) Andrew Lang
- Dictionary of National Biography, (1895) [see entry for Ruth Osborne]
- English Etymology, (1898) Friedrich Kluge and Frederick Lutz
- Aradia, or the Gospel of the Witches, (1899) Charles Godfrey Leland
- A Book of the West, Volume 1, Devon, (1899) by Sabine Baring-Gould
- The Wonderful Wizard of Oz, (1900) Frank L. Baum
- Malay Magic, (1900) Walter William Skeat
- A Dictionary of Miracles: Imitative, Realistic, and Dogmatic, (1901) Ebenezer Cobham Brewer [see the section on Ruth Osborne in the chapter on "Witches and Familiar Spirits (England)"]
- Girls' Christian Names, (1905) Helena Swan [see entry for Ruth]
- A History of Witchcraft in England from 1558 to 1718, (1909) Wallace Notestein
- Handbook of Folklore, (1914) Charles Sop Burne