Anyone who would be caught dead with David Duke is No True Pagan in my book.
But how, you ask, does one apply the much vaunted David Duke Litmus Test in practice? To answer that question, lets take a look at two case studies: Galina Lozko (leader of the pseudo-Pagan "Native Faith" movement in the Ukraine), and Greg Johnson (editor of the proudly white supremacist Counter-Currents website, and who claims to be critical of Christianity and sympathetic to Paganism).
What might happen if, for example, one were to do the simplest possible google search, and just put in two names, one of them being "david duke" (no quotes in the actual search - nothing fancy) the other being the name of the person to whom the David Duke Litmus Test is being applied? The results for "galina lozko" and "greg johnson" are given below:
The search: lozko david duke
Very first hit:
The search: johnson david duke
Very first hit:
Further evidence of the linkage between Galina Lozko and Daid Duke:
- David Duke's account of the 2006 international conference on "TheWhite World's Future" attended by both Duke and Lozko (Duke mentions Lozko): - Full pdf of the book containing the proceddings of the above conference (Lozko's contribution is on p. 99, Duke's is on p. 79): - 2011 interview with Pavel Tulaev (Galina Lozko's husband) which mentions David Duke (approvingly) twice:
Further evidence of the linkage between Greg Johnson and David Duke:
- A book by David Duke, published by Counter-Currents:
The Little Bank That Saved Christmas