One French Muslim leader, Abderrahmane Dahmane, who has served in the past as a presidential adviser on religious diversity, stated that he personally had not been outraged over Charlie Hebdo's satirical lampoonings of Islam:
That quote is from an article at the NineNewsToday.Com website: France’s Charlie Hebdo plans reprint of Islam edition“We have a sense of humour in the world of Islam. What we sometimes say about Islam and the Prophet, among ourselves and in the presence of imams, is worse than what Charlie Hebdo wrote.”
Here are some other related stories:
l'Humanité in English: {Charlie Hebdo} Burnt on the Stake
Associated Press: Firebombed French paper posts blog after site hack
RFI English: Charlie Hebdo accuses Facebook of helping hatemongers after firebomb
The Spectator: Can we torch Time Magazine’s offices now?
The New Humanist: French daily Liberation loans office space to Charlie Hebdo and reproduces Muhammad caricature in solidarity following firebomb attack
Libération: «Charlie Hebdo» : «Nous interdire le blasphème, c'est nous interdire de respirer»
Irish Times: United condemnation of attack on French paper