Depending on your tolerance level for highly stylized violence, gothic/steampunk dark fantasy post-apocalyptic aesthetics, and hollywoodishly prurient, gratuitous (and highly stylized) sexuality, you just might be in luck.

One thing you can be sure of is that this is the kind of movie that the Tea Partiers think is destroying America.
If you haven't heard of it yet, wintle at filmjunk.com describes "Sucker Punch" as "Zack Snyder’s big-budget female juvenile delinquent follow-up to Watchmen."
And if you don't know who Zack Snyder is, he's the guy who made 300 and, obviously, Watchmen.
Noted blogger and comic book writer Valerie D'Orazio has already offered up the first (that I know of) of what will undoubtedly be a very great many High Concept One-Line Distillments:
"Sucker Punch" Looks Like "Kill Bill" + "Girl Interrupted" + "The Matrix" On Crack
Having looked at the same trailer, and the same buzz (scroll down for some links), as everyone else, I would offer the following:

- "Angel at My Table" + "Dark City" + "Showgirls"
- "Chained Heat" + "Battlestar Galactica" on acid
- "Alice in Wonderland" + The Military History Channel + "Porky's"
- Steampunkified "Buffy the Vampire Slayer" + the "Suicide Girls" website
- "Avatar" + "Aeon Flux" + "Donnie Darko" + "American Pie" + Nazis
- A Victoria's Secret commercial + guns + swords + gas masks
- "Kung Fu Hustle" + "Pan's Labyrinth" + the "Glee" GQ photoshoot
- "Hellboy" + "Metropolis" + "Cruel Intentions"
- "Severance" + "District 9" + "Wildthings"
- "Ink" + "Xena" + Two Hundred Million Dollars
- Thrilling new trailer (cinetopia)
- Comic-Con 2010: Sucker Punch Panel and Footage (ugo.com)
- Detailed Look at Zack Snyder's SUCKER PUNCH Characters including a Mech Suit (geektyrant.com)
- Zack Snyder Gets In a Sucker Punch (filmjunk.com)
- 2010 Comic-Con: Zack Snyder goes for grrrrrl power (latimes.com)
- Early split reviews for "Sucker Punch" (screenrant.com)
- Valerie D'Orazio's blog
- The Trailer