- Health Care Town Halls Turn Violent (FOX News)
- Town Hall Meeting Turns Ugly (CNN)
- Health Care Town Hall Debates Stoke Outrage (ABC)
- Protesters Disrupt Town Hall Health Care Talks (Reuters)
- Rage Boils Over At Town Hall Meetings On Health Care (NY Daily News)
Suddenly, a centrist Democrat, Barack Obama, was being labeled a "socialist" for supporting an idea first proposed by Teddy Roosevelt, a federal policy to provide universal health insurance for all Americans.

Then Sarah Palin came out with her infamous "cross-hairs" map. Here is what Gabrielle Giffords had to say about Palin's map:
"the way that she has it depicted has the crosshairs of a gun sight over our district, and when people do that, they've gotta realize there are consequences to that action."But the 2010 election got hotter still. By June, Sharon Angle was thinking out loud about resorting to "second amendment remedies" in order to "take out Harry Reid."
[Gabrielle Giffords on MSNBC, March 25, 2010]
Congresswoman Gabrielle Giffords managed to get re-elected, despite being targeted by Sarah Palin. Now she is fighting for her life, and six people, including a six year old girl and a Federal Judge, are dead.