I. Overview: The Five Phases of Christianization
"With increasing harshness and machinery of enforcement": The Christianization of the Roman oikoumene (312-476)
- Decline and Fall: The retreat of Christianity in the Dark Ages (476-718)
- The Formation of a Persecuting Society: The violent resurgence of Western Christendom (718-1492)
- The Whole World In Their Bloody Hands: Conquest, Genocide, Slavery, & the Burning Times (1492-1960)
- By Other Means: Post Colonial Christianization (1960-?)
II. Illuminating Case Studies
Crypto-Pagans in Byzantium: Procopios, Lydos, Psellos, Italos, Juvenal, Plethon, Mistra
- Pagan resistance among the Longobards
- The highly non-monotonic Christianization of Britain
- The Cult of Vergil
- Profiles in Dissimulation: The Family of Love, Marranos, English Catholics, French Libertins, etc (see especially, Zagorin's Ways of Lying)
- Paganism in the Renaissance
- The religious dimension of the Early Modern European Witch-Hunts
- Did the Yaqui convert?
- Catholic Shamans among the Huichol and Nahua
- Angelique Kidjo on Vodun & Catholicism
- Secrets Gossip & Gods
- Rejecting coerced syncretism in Haitian Vodou and Cuban Santeria (Max Beauvoir: "No, contrarily to what even good scholars have stated, I don't believe there is any significant Christian-Vodou syncretism or Christian inclusions in the Vodou religion." Lazaro Cuesta: “It’s an error for the Catholic Church to consider us deviants. We simply have our own religion: the Yoruba religion.”)
- Mexican Folk Catholicism among mestizos
- The continuous history of Hermeticism, Alchemy, and Astrology (Campion, Maxwell-Stuart, also: Ghibellinism & Traditionalism)
- Traditional Religion in Sub-Saharan Africa
- Reincarnation as a marker of Pagan survival
III. Key Concepts and Theoretical Projects
"Submerged Animism" a la Alan Richard Tippett
- Toward a generalized theory of crypto-religiosity a la Richard Popkin (How to look for Pagans)
- Christian Pagan Syncretism = Pagan Survival (and the varieties of religious syncretism in general: Secret Knowledge, Because We Can, "When you enter a village ...", Lady Gaga Prayer Candles, Kidjo on Voodoo, Ficinus. Paganus?, What they mean by "dialogue", Banding together in the Cretan fashion, "Playing the fish", "We had no choice")
- The false dichotomy of learned versus popular Paganism ("A different world"?)
- Sympathetic Magic: Eros, Pneuma, Pythagoras, Plato, Aristotle, Stoicism, Vergil, Ovid, Iamblichus, Proclus, Psellos, Plethon, Ficino, Pico, Agrippa, Bruno, Jean Jacques Rousseau, Erasmus Darwin, Herbert Spencer, Witches, Mages, etc. (Plato and the Threefold Law, Cosmic Sympathy, Eleusis and the Aeneid, Luck on Warburton on Vergil, Philosophy Science Divination & Astrology, Six Degrees of Charles Darwin, Eleusis and Evolution, Vergil and Modern Paganism, Hutton Vergil & Ovid)
- Soul Snatchers: Exposing the Christian conception of all-or-nothing conversion (aka, the "one drop rule" of Christian identity; see "Africa became Christian by submission")
- Reincarnation as a Pagan belief
- Why Harran matters, but not as much as you might think.
- The seamless continuity of Late Antique and Ancient Paganism
- The Theurgy-Wicca connection
- The Evil Twins: Christianity and Islam
- Communism: preparing the way for the gospel in India, China and Latin America
- Christianization versus liberty, equality, democracy and the rule of law
- Christianization is everywhere incomplete.
- Christianization is always reversible.
- "Paganism is the ancestral religion of the whole of humanity." (Primary versus secondary religions, Pagans don't need no stinking continuous traditions, monotheism vs. polytheism vis-a-vis tolerance, no "different" religions among ancient Pagans ...)