Just in case you are struggling to understand the difference between the IRA and Al Qaeda, please consider the two cases of Molly Norris and Jon Stewart.
In the wake of threats by Islamic extremists against Trey Parker and Matt Stone (of South Park fame), American cartoonist Molly Norris proposed (in April of 2010) that people around the world should draw cartoons of Muhammad as both a symbolic protest and to "water down the pool of targets." But less than a week later, Norris very publicly changed her mind, saying she had been "totally unprepared" for the response her idea received. Despite her repeated public apologies, Molly Norris' name was placed on a "hit list" by American Muslim terrorist Anwar al-Awlaki, who said, "The medicine prescribed by the Messenger of Allah is the execution of those involved." And as to anyone who participated in Norris' original idea of "Everybody Draw Muhhamad Day", al-Awaki said,
"The large number of participants makes it easier for us because there are more targets to choose from." According to Norris, she was urged by the FBI to take the threats very seriously. In September it was reported that she had changed her name and gone into hiding.

In response to the first day of Congressman Peter King's hearings on the radicalization of American Muslims, Jon Stewart opened his show last night with a 10 minute tirade against the Irish Republican Army, whom he labeled as murderers and terrorists. Stewart made a special point of mocking anyone (including especially Peter King) who would dare to suggest that there is any meaningful difference between the IRA and Al Qaeda. Does anyone in their right mind think that Jon Stewart is in any danger whatsoever for doing this? It must be emphasized that Molly Norris, who was almost completely unknown at the time, merely suggested that people
draw cartoons (and then almost immediately withdrew the suggestion and apologized profusely), while Jon Stewart, who is watched by over 2 million people four nights a week (and who was named
Most Influential Man of 2010), publicly attacked Irish freedom fighters as savage