Gore Vidal

The real story is that obviously elements of the Indian media went to great lengths to set up this Swami, who appears to me to have more in common with Western New Agers like Eckhart Tolle than with the genuine, ancient, traditional teachings of the Sanatana Dharma (although it is hard for me to picture Trolle rolling around in bed with a beautiful Indian actress -- although on the other hand that might actually improve my estimation of him!). The Indian media has gone on a Hindu-bashing feeding frenzy since the first airing of these sex tapes (which show a lot of kissing and rolling around, but not, well, sex.)

Many people today want a celebrity guru to follow. They want a large organization to be part of. They want a spirituality that is validated in the wider culture (preferably on television). These folks end up following the James Arthur Rays, and the Eckhart Tolles, and the Swami Nithayanandas.

Personally I think the whole idea of celibacy is for the most part a very bad idea. I find nothing of merit in it, nor do I feel any admiration for those who espouse and practice it.