"All this has happened before, and all this will happen again."

For those unfamiliar with the Aeneid, here is an incredibly helpful online study guide. That page was created by William A. Johnson, professor of Classics at University of Cincinnati. He also has similar pages for the Iliad, the Odyssey and the Epic of Gilgamesh!
And for anyone unfamiliar with Battlestar Galactica, I have provided extensive linkage to the Battlestar Wiki.
Early on in the first season of Battlestar Galactica it occurred to me that there is a very broad similarity between how that story starts out and the beginning of Vergil's Aeneid. In both cases a sudden and cataclysmic military attack leaves only a handful of survivors who then set out on a long journey in search of a new home. Knowing how the Aeneid ends, but not knowing where BSG would lead, I wondered if the parallels would hold up over time. In particular I wondered whether or not the humans and Cylons would somehow reconcile, in the way that the Latins and Trojans do at the end of the Aeneid.
For those who know their Aeneid, you might be thinking: "Hey! The Trojans did not reconcile with the people who destroyed Troy (the Greeks), they reconciled with the Latins." Well, OK, sure. But first of all I am not saying that everything is exactly the same in BSG as it was in the Aeneid. And also there is, of course, a very important reconciliation, of sorts, in the alliance struck personally between Aeneas and King Evander (a Greek of Arcadian persuasion).
For that matter, those who know their Aeneid might also be thinking "Hey! Just what exactly do you mean by 'at the end of the Aeneid'!?" Naturally, I am of course referring to the "XIIIth Book" of the Aeneid, as written by Maffeo Vegio in 1428 (fourteen and a half centuries after Vergil's untimely death). Vegio's ending so seamless completes Vergil's unfinished story, and his Latin is so, well, Vergilian, that for centuries afterward, Vegio's thirteenth book was included as a matter of course in editions of the Aeneid.

Wait, now that I think of it, it could be (and probably should be) argued that Cavil and Boomer (and especially Boomer considering how she ends up) better fit the role of Turnus. And that would mean that D'anna Biers is more like King Latinus, which is especially fitting given the fact that it was D'anna who foresaw the identities of the Final Five (just as Latinus received the prophecy about the coming of Aeneas), and the way in which D'anna dejectedly bows out of the action, by remaining behind on "earth", just as Latinus must sit by and is powerless to prevent his people from waging a war he knows should not be fought.
Oh, and another parallel between Boomer and Turnus is that Boomer's "swing vote" was decisive in paving the way for both the Cylon Civil War, and the continuation of the war with the humans. Just as Turnus was the decisive "vote" in turning the Latins against the Trojans.

Vegio places great emphasis on the manner in which Turnus is honored after his death. Vergil himself had made a point of almost sparing Turnus. Aeneas kills Turnus only because of the death of the young Pallas (Evander's son) at the hands of the Rutulian, and, most especially, because of the fact that Juturna's brother proudly wore Pallas' belt as a gruesome trophy.
Boomer dies heroically. She must pay for her many terrible deeds, but in the end she is the one who brings the child Hera back safely. But Athena will never forgive Boomer for kidnapping Hera in the first place, and, in the process, beating the frak out of her (Athena) and then frakking her human lover, Helo (who thinks he is frakking Athena, and that is what really and truly enraged Athena because Boomer proved that Helo couldn't tell the frakking difference).
But Tory does not die heroically. Nor is there really ever even a hint of anything that might make her character other than irredeemably evil and every bit as amoral as Cavil, but without his endearingly cynical witticisms. And yet really, when you think about, what else could Tory have done? Cally was going to kill Nicholas, whom everyone at the time thought was half-Cylon. Tory had to prevent that. Srsly. And there was no way for Tory to just save Nicholas and leave it at that. Cally would "out" Tyrol, Tory, Tigh and Anders as skinjobs and would probably never rest until she had finally murdered her son one way or the other, now that she knew he was half-Cylon. Did I mention that Cally really, really hates Cylons?
But Tory makes it clear that murdering Cally doesn't bother her even a little. The only times that she shows any concern are when she is worried that Galen might suspect, which he never does -- until, well, you know when Final Five all do the Cylon version of the Vulcan mind-meld thing.

Only, really, that isn't the real problem. The real problem is that a stray rock hits the Raptor that had been piloted by Racetrack and Skulls at just the right angle to cause Racetrack's dead hand to flop down on the launch button for the nukes that Racetrack and Skulls had decided to arm just before being killed by an earlier stray asteroid. These nukes blast apart the massive Cylon Colony, thus disrupting, rather irreversibly, the delicate gravitational balance that was allowing everyone to orbit around the Black Hole rather than being sucked down into it.

And so Kara Thrace, the Herald of Death, She who is dead already, who knows she is dead, who has accepted her death and who has even said goodbye to herself, leads them all to their end. But it turns out that this is "end" as in telos. That is, "end" as in goal, purpose, destiny. Kara Thrace is Aeneas, the hero who has conquered death itself, who travels to the Underworld and returns to lead her people to a new home and a new beginning.
!['Now a final end [telos] is that for the sake of which everything is done or considered, while it is not itself done or considered for the sake of anything else.' Sextus Empiricus](https://blogger.googleusercontent.com/img/b/R29vZ2xl/AVvXsEhUYppdOTgVmIwtRvw5hNojatMVvF47L0mS76-5S7coJ3uY67tTj0p-7chZ_TxOYEdqtGO27ex8McsiC2Pq5H4FWzJA4ph9AukUuobl7N2g5HSCBtpzJAoyYRulG6mXvnHIhIGyMxh8pJPE/s400/telos.jpg)