Supposedly, Kirsten Powers (and others) are shocked, shocked, to find "adult" ads in the Village Voice. But, to state the painfully obvious, there is nothing new about these ads, or the controversies surrounding them. What is new, though, is that for the past year, the Voice has been running a series of investigative reports exposing the junk science, fuzzy math, and powerful religious organizations behind the overblown moral panic over "sex-trafficking".
I have already recently blogged about this (Counting Sex Slaves: Moral Panics, the Mass Media, and Christian Propaganda). In that post I showed that the investigations of the Village Voice on this issue are based on solid research, and that the Voice's articles closely parallel what has been written by a variety of scholars and activists who have raised very serious doubts about the wildly exaggerated claims of the sex-slavery mongers.
And now here is a selection of some of the highlights of the Village Voice investigative series on sex-trafficking.
The Super Bowl Prostitution Hoax
Indianapolis mobilizes for an epic battle with an urban legend.
By Pete Kotz Thursday, Feb 2 2012- Lost Boys
New research demolishes the stereotype of the underage sex worker—and sparks an outbreak of denial among child-sex-trafficking alarmists nationwide
By Kristen Hinman Wednesday, Nov 2 2011 - VILLAGE VOICE MEDIA RESPONDS TO CLERGY
BackPage.com Blog,
Oct 25, 2011 - CNN's Amber Lyon Ambushed Craigslist -- But She Won't Talk to The Village Voice
CNN leads the media's mass paranoia over a nonexistent epidemic
By Tony Ortega Wednesday, Jul 6, 2011 - Real Men Get Their Facts Straight
Ashton and Demi and Sex Trafficking
By Martin Cizmar and Ellis Conklin and Kristen Hinman Wednesday, Jun 29, 2011 - Women's Funding Network sex trafficking study is junk science
Schapiro Group data wasn't questioned by mainstream media
By Nick Pinto Wednesday, Mar 23, 2011