"Once the Leftists stood on the barricades for women’s rights. But where are they today? Where are they in 2010? They are looking the other way. Because they are addicted to cultural relativism and dependent on the Muslim vote."
[Geert Wilders, London, March 5, 2010]

One of
Kristina Aamand's parents is Arab, the other is Danish. One of
Asif Uddin's parents is Pakistani, the other is Indian. They are both Muslims, and they are both Danish citizens.
In 2007 Aamand and Uddin (who also happen to married to each other) published the book
Mødom på Mode ("
Virginity in Fashion"). That book presents six reports on the status and treatment of young women and girls in Denmark's immigrant communities, focusing on "custom, culture and norms, gender perception and morality in a collective family structure." In particular, the reports focused on the issue of female virginity.
Aamand is a trained nurse and social worker. She has worked as a research assistant and social counsellor at the rape crisis centre at
Copenhagen University Hospital, where she developed and executed an information campaign
Løft sløret for seksuelle overgreb (
"Lifting the Veil on Sexual Assault"), targeted to minorities and professionals.
Aamand and Uddin's book,
Mødom på Mode, includes first hand accounts of sexual abuse in Denmark's Muslim immigrant communities, especially the rape of minor girls by male family members.
Aamand has also created the
NewHymen.dk website, to educate the public about beliefs and practices concerning virginity, and especially the issues of "virginity tests" performed by medical personnel, and so-called "
reconstructive hymen surgery". (She also has
a blog in Danish.)

In December, 2009
Lars Hedegaard, a Danish historian who is the co-founder of the
Free Press Society (Trykkefrihedsselskabet), was interviewed by
Asger Trier Engberg for the blog
snaphanen.dk. The audio of the original interview (in English) is available at Engberg's website:
In that interview, Hedegaard made reference to incidents of sexual assault such as those documented in Aamand and Uddin's book. Because of this, Lars Hedegaard has been accused of being a racist!
Soon after the interview both
Hedegaard and
Engberg issued public statements responding to attempts to systematically misrepresent what Hedegaard had said. Hedegaard is accused of racism primarily because he refuses to accept the false distinction between Islam and so-called "Islamism." (Even though neither Islam nor Islamism, whatever they might be, and however they might be the same or different, are
races!) Hedegaard does, however, emphatically insist that he scrupulously distinguishes between individual Muslims, most of whom are decent human beings to whom the crime of raping a child is unimaginable, and, on the other hand, the Muslim religion as a totalitarian ideology which encourages systematic abuse, including physical and sexual abuse, of women and girls.
I strongly encourage anyone reading this to look at Lars Hedegaard's own words in defense of his position "
that family rapes of Muslim girls is a serious and widespread phenomenon." In addition to the research already mentioned he cites writings by prominent Muslim women, a study commissioned by the North American Council for Muslim Women, documented cases of "honor killings" among Muslim immigrants in Europe, and many other sources.
Today, August 3rd, the Copenhagen Public Prosecutor's office
announced that Lars Hedegaard is being formally charged with violating Paragraph 266b of the Danish Penal Code. This section of Danish law prohibits "expressing and spreading racial hatred." More specifically the law "covers any threatening, vilifying or insulting statement intended for the general public or a wide circle of persons." More information on Paragraph 266b and be found at
the website of the European Commission Against Racism and Intolerance.