Christian preacher Terry Jones finally made good on his threat to burn the Koran. And, predictably, this has resulted in a wave of deadly violence in the Muslim world.
They say a picture is worth a thousand words. The following images say more than any quantity of words ever could about how different Islam is from other religions, including even it's closest rival for most violent and intolerant religion of all time.
It is worth pointing out that many, probably most, of the following examples of blasphemy were in large part motivated by a desire to grab attention, and also were done with the intention of being offensive, or at least in the full knowledge that they would be offensive.
Ticket to hell (from Marshmallow Ladyboy Jesus):
BRB (lol) (from
Jesus Kanye Christ (from Rolling Stone):
Sing-along Blasphemy from Happy Jihad's House of Pancakes:
Blasphemous Dog (from TheYoungTurks.Com):
Milo Manara draws a nun (from hyacint's soup):
Nuns making out:
![Holy Bells of St. Mary's, Batman, that sure as hell looks like Ingrid Bergman! Is this from the Director's Cut?](
Nun with whip:
Nun with pierced tongue:
Look on the bright side of life:
Leather Gas Mask Nun:
Artistic Blasphemy from Too Many Questions:
German soft-drink ad:
Love-Making Jesus:
Christopher Hitchens' book Missionary Position:
Jesus Tap Dancing Christ:
Kathy Griffin sez: "Suck it, Jesus!"
Evie Delatosso, from her x-rated film, Lost Salvation:
Last Temptation of Christ:
Priest (a personal favorite, here is a review at Alternate Sexuality):
Hail Mary:
e g r e g o r e s:
- Possibly blasphemous images of the Virgin Mary
- Blasphemous Images
- Blasphemy, Part Deux
- Blasphemy
- The right to oppose Islam
- A plague on both their houses
- Melanie Phillips on Lars Hedegaard
- "Republicanism, Irreligion, Heresy, Paganism, and Sodomy."
- Blasphemy case against Nergal dismissed
- More on Nergal's case
- Doda: "Forbidden fruit tastes better."
- Two more "hate speech" cases
- Sex, Religion, Art, Music & Freedom of Expression in Poland
- Holocaust Denial is OK, but criticizing Islam is not. Apparently
- Early March, 2010 Blasphemy World Roundup!!
- The kids are alright (in praise of Blasphemous Metal)